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Taking Massively Imperfect Action with Monica Tanner

Episode Summary

Uncover how taking action which isn't totally perfect, might be the final piece of the jigsaw leading you to what you're pursuing in life with Ryan and Monica Tanner!

Episode Notes

In this episode, Ryan is joined by Monica Tanner, the founder of On the Brighter Side of Marriage, talking about how to not lose sight of what matters the most in pursuit of your financial dreams. 

Way too many people make a trade-off in their lives. They try to win what they think will make them happy by swapping out what truly brings satisfaction. All too often, people sacrifice time spent with their families in the pursuit of financial success.

In this episode, Ryan and Monica will focus on how to build and live a life that matters to you in the pursuit of Financial Freedom. They’re going to cover a whole range of topics, such as keeping a healthy marriage, balancing it with your business, and how to keep motivated along the journey!

Key Takeaways:

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